Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

1~4 J QB Jrl, I~ IT~ NT~ ~nd 'Vents alike, both truth and forgeries, · .And u~ters, ofte~;. rheaper tha1! !he buye5) . .~he. fpred the pm10ns of.per mmble wmgs; Adva~c'd her T~u ~~et, 3~nd aw.ay !he fprings; J\nd fills the wh1fp rmg a1r, wh1ch foon pofleft ,, The fpacious borden of th' enquiring Eaft . ·~ . ., Upon the fumrpon~ offuch folemn News; · , Whofe truth malignant Fame could nor abu(e,: His woful friends came to him,-' to ·the end ; .< . . .. ·To comfort, apd ~wail their wretched friend., , :But when they came far ~a; they did not kno\Y · ' Whether it were the felf-fame frJend or no : . ~ . ( Brim-fill'dwith brinywoe) they .we~t and tore ( T' ex~refs thei~ grief) ·the garments dlat .they ·worc~ Seven qays and m~Im they fate upon the ground, ~ut fpake nor, for hjS'forr~w~ did abound. · : 1 .· ,. / ------~~------------------~~~ Meditat. )• · (CAy, .Is npt Satan jufily ftiled then, ' ' ~ A:rempter; and a:n .Enemy to·Men ? \\iJut could he rnore ? Hi£ with would nor extend T H death, left his aflaults w1rh death !hould end ;: Than what he did, what coulcl he further de:J ·? J-lis hands hath feiz'd both good.sand body'too; lhehopeful Hfuc d aholyfrrain, , . in fuch a dearth of holinefs is flain : Wha,r.)\arh the Lazar left.him, bui; his grief, · 1\nd.(what might bcft b~ fpar'd) his foohf11 ~ife? Co ~ l~ mifchiefbeen m_ore hard, {..though n!Gr~ ·in kind) 1o rup the flowers, and l~ve the weeds behmd? .. ·Wom~t-1 was n1ade a helper byCreation, · AHelper, not alone .for Propagation, . .;_ , ()r ~rind Pelighr , bt:t fweec Society, ~hie~ ~ap ( alotle} lhpuld Wfnt.- -~nd to ftJppiy • \', ·.. ,.. . > .. · . . : . · · Comfo:'~3 ' .