Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

JOB_,MLLITANT. C6mf6rts to him for whom her Sex was made,~ 'rhat each may jey in eithers rieedfe1l aid : But {airetl: :Angels b:td the fouleft fall'; · ~d beft things ( ·once abti!.~d) pr0Ye worft of aH ~ 'Jilfe had not Satan been fo foul a Fie.oQ, · 1 ' ' Elfe had not Wom~n prov~d fe faife aFrienq. · 'Ev'n as the treacherous Fowler, to entice , His .filly wing<:d Prey, doch fir& dev'ife · .· To make a Bird his ftale, atwhofe fa.I(e eaU, Others may chance into the felf-fame thrall: Even fo, that crafey fna.rer ofMankind, ", Finding Mannighteous Palate not inclin'd · To r.afte tlle fweemefs of his gil1ed baits, · Makes acollateral fuit, and flily waits · l1pon the weaknefs offame bofome ftiend, , from whofe enticement he expe"~ his end. · Ah righteous :Job, what crofs was left unknown? What grief may be dcfcrib'd, but what's thine own~. ' Is this a Juft rnans'cafe ?What doth befal · · · To one man, may as well betide to all. · The wor£1: l'lllook for, that I can proj€8', , lfbctter. c~me, 'ds mere, than I expeCt; · If~therwife, I'm arm'dwithPreparation ; No farrow'~ fuddcn to an expeCtation. : Lord, to thy Wifdom I f.Ubmit my Wlll, Jwill be thankful~ fe.nd;me goo~ Of ill; ·– Jf good, my prefem ftare will pafs the fwe~rer; If ill, 1r11y Crown of glory flul~ be the greater. THE. A l\. q q M f. N T. 0'rwbelm'dwith gr"uf, J"b b1'eatetb fortb j Into impatience : Bant his Birth; · , Prfl{e(fes that his heart dzd doubt, .Andfear,what {itt&e hatb fallen ou;. ' ). . / . ____ _.~--------~----------~------~