Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

1S6 JOB M I LITANT. sell. G. VV·. Oin bare withgrief, tl1e patient Job berraid , His fcven"'!days filence,curft his day ; and faid, . ' 0 that my day of birth had never been, · ' N<J>r yet the night which l was brou-ght forth.in! ~. 'Be it not numbred for a Day, let Light · f Not make a difference 'twixt it and Night ; ' Let gloomy lhade, { than death mote fable ) -pafs ' l1p~n it, te declare how fatal 'cwas : "' - 'Let tiouds o'rcaft it, and_ as hateful make it, ~ As life's tohim, \yhom Torrures bid forfake it : 'From her next day, let that black_Night be cur, 'Nor in the ~eck:ni~g.of rh.e Months be put : ' Let Defolat1on tilltt, all night leng, ' In ir, be never heard a Bridal Song : ~Let all fad Mourners that do curfe the night, ' When light's drawn in, begin to curfe thi~ night ; \'Her evening twili?;ht, let foul darknefs ftain, : ' And may het midnight expect light irt vain~ 'Let her infant Day ( but newly born) i Suffer 't to fee the Eye-lids of the ~orn; . 'Becaufe my Mo~hersWon1b it woula not doze, ' Which gave me palfage to endure -rhefe Woes .; ~Whydied I not in my ~onception? rather ? ' Or, why was nor my bmh, an4 death together ? . ' Why did the Midwife take me on her knees ? ' Why did I fuck, t.o feel fuch griefs as thefe ? ' Then had this boay never been opprefr, cIlia~ enjoy'd th' ere1.1nal fleep of reil:; · ' With Kings, and mighty Monarchs that lie crown:td ' With ftardy Monuments, poor l; had found ' Aplace of Reft, had born 'as great a fway, · 'Had been as luppy, and as rich as they: ~ Why was not I as an abortive birth, 'That ne'r had known the hf>rrors of tlte earth? ' ; , ' · The