JOB MILITANT 1The filem Grttve is quiet fr0~ the f.ea~ c 0f Tyrans : ·Tyrans are appe~fed tnerc : 'c The gripded Pris.'ner he:J,ts t)ot (there ) 'the nei(e; ~ Nor harder threamings of th' Opprdfors voice : • c Both iich and poor ara equa!Fd in the Grave, ,' 'Servants no Lords, ·artil Lord's no Servants have: ' What needs there light 'to him that~s comfortlefs ~ ' Or life tp futl~ as languifh in diftrefs, . . . ' c An:dl~ng for death, which if it cemeby leifure~ ~They tanfack for it, as a hidden treafurc: 'What needs there life to him,-that cannot have ~ ABoon? ~~re gtaciou~, than ·aquiet ? .rave? · cOr elfe to htm, whomGod hath wall d abouta · ~ That would, but eannot f1n4 apaffage out? · 'When I but tafte, my ftgh$ rerummy food, ' The~owing of n1y tears have rais'd aHood ; ~ When my e!hte wa~ profperous, I did fear, ' Left by Ieme heedlefs flip, or want ofcare, q n1ighr be brought to mj[t·ry~ apd { alas! ) ~ What.l did theh fo fear, ts come to pafs: ' But though refUte, my foul did never fiumber .~ Yet dei my W'o~s exF~cd both weighr, andnum.ber; ; l ; ( ·.... .,~ VJ~editat!' f. . ' . SO p0or a ~hing i_s Man; No ~leffi and Blood . . Dcferves the ftyle of ..Abfolut!ell. good: 'fhe righteous m <in fins oft ; w~lole power:s fuch To fin the leaft, fins ( at the leafi ) too much : The man whofe'faith difdain'd his lfaac~s life, Difiemblcd once) aSifl:er, for aW.ife: ' • .· The righteou~ Lot, being druri~; didmake at (once ) ·· His daughters both half fiflers to thcil' ions : · The Royal Favourite of H'eaven ftood · Nor guiltlffs pf Aqultery and Blood :