Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

~SS J 0 B M I L IT4 N z::. · And l1e whofe hanss did build the Temple,' doth B"ow down his lufiful knees to .Afhter,oth: The finful wo~was accus"d, hut nGne Was found, that couldbegin to fl~ng a fione: From mudled Springs, can Chlyfi'al water come ? In fome things all rnep lin ; in' all things fotne. Even as the fGil ( whkh April$ gentle fliowrs fiave fill'dwich 1\veetnefs, and enricht with flown) Rear~ up her fuckling plants, fti111hooting forth The tender blofloms ,of her,cime!y birch, But if deni'd the beams ofcl1early May, They hang their withered h~acls, and fade away; So mat:~, allified by thJ Altuighty~s hand, His faith doth fiGurifh, and fecurely ftand, · But left a while, forfook {as in afhade) ' lt languifhes, and nipt with lin, eioth fade. No gold is p.~.tre from dr9fs, though oft refin'd; The ffrongef} Cedar's fhaken with the wind ; The faire!H\ofe hath nG prerogative , Againft the 'fretting Can\{er-worm : The Hive No Honey yield.s unblended with the wax: The fincft linnen hath both foil and bracks: The beft of men have fins ; 'none lives fecure, !n nature noihiAg's perfefr, nothing pure. . Lord, fincc I tnuft needs lin, yet grant that l . f orgc 'no adv-antage by infirmity: · . Since tqat my-vefture cannot want a llain; Affifi me, let the tin~ttre be in grain. ' To the·e ( my great Redeemer) do 'I flie, ~ It js-thy Death alone, can change my Dye ; Tears, mingled with thy blood, can fcour fo; r That fcarlec fins lhallJturn,. as whi~e as fno~; ' THE