Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

THE ARGUMENT; '"RJI.Jh Eliphaz reproves, and rates; Andfal(ly cenfurts Job: ~latesl Hii Vifion ; Jbews him the event dfwicted men: Bids bim repent. Sett. 7· THenEJtpba'{his pounded tongue repliev;d, . ~ . . , And 1aid,.£,hould I contend, thou wo1o1ldft be grie-i'J ;: Yet what man can refrain; but he muft bret.k . Hi5 angrY. filencc,. baying heard ~hee fpeak ? · 0 fudden chancre ! !Tiany ~uft thou direaed, And ftrengthne~ t?1ofe whofe minds have been dcjeC'ted; rhy facred Thews, and fweet InflruB:ions, did . Help thofe were falling, rais'd up fuch as fJ:d ; But now it is thy cafe, thy foul is vcxt; . And can~ not bel p thy felf, thy felf p~rplc~t: ;· Thou lov ft thy_God but bafely for thy 11roiit,' Fear'ft him it\ fur~her ex~ett;J.tion of it: . . Judg then: Ditl R:ecgrd ever round thi1-1e ear That God forfook the heart that was fincc:re.? But often have we feen, that fuch as plow . . . . l.ewdnefs, and mifchief, reap tht fame they fow : .; So have ~roud Tyr~ns from their Thrones been cafr~·. With all their off.:.i_pring, by ,eh~ Almighties bhfl: ; · And they .whofe hands' have been ·!mbrew'd in blood,~' Have with their 1fiue di"d for want of food:" , Avilianlately appear'd before my fighr, In depth of d:uknef~, and the dead of nighr, \. llnwomcd fear u~urp'd me round abo\Jit, . , 'My trembling bones were:forc, from ~cad to foot :·· ,"" Fctth~-