Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

i9o JoB ¥ILiTANT~ :Forthwith aSpirit glanc'd bef~re mine ~ye~; ' My brows did fwear, 111Y mo~Gned hair diq rife~ The face l knew nor, but a while it £laid, And in d1e depth of filence, thu,$ it faiq ~ Is m'an more juG, mgre pufe thiln hi~ Cre~tot ' 'Amongft his Angels ( more upri:ght by nature . Than man ) he hlrh found Weaknefs ; j1ow mu-eh mord Shall he expc~ inhin1, that,s walled (/r . , ' · With mortal ile1h and blood,·founded, anti 6oor' 4 .· With Duft, and the Worms eo bedevour'd? They rife fecurely with the Morning Sun, And ( unregarde.d) die e'r day be done; Their~lory patfes with them a~ a breath, . . .. They Sie ( like fools ) before ~hey think.ofdeatli: Rage then, and fee who will approve thy ~age11' What Saint wiil .give thy rai\in{; -Patronage? Anger dd.l:roys the feql, and he that hath Awrathful hearr, is !lain with his own wrath; Yctt have I feeri', tiut fools have oft been able , To boall: with Babd; but have fain with Babel ~ Their fons defpairing,; ~oa£ without relief In open ruinc, on the Rocks' of Grief: . Their harveft (though bur fmall) rhe hung;ry ear; 1 And robber's [Cite their wealth thiugh ne'r [o great ~ Eut wretched man; .were thy Conditi~n mine, l'dc net defpair as. tho~ doft, nor repine, Bur_ cfter up ,t!le thebroken Sacrifice Of a fad foul, before his angry eyes~ '' .Who[e works are M:rades of Admiration; ,He mounts the meek, .amidft their Defohtion. . . . Confounds the wordly wife, that Eblindfold) tl1ey Grope all in darlmefs at the noenof day: But gurds the humble from repr~acJl of wrong;· J. Anl ftops the current of' the cratry Ton?;ue. . Thrice ~1appy is the man his ha~ds correct: , J3·cware left fury fqrce thee ti> reJect I I Th~