Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

. JOB MILITANT_. Th' Almighties trial ; He that made thywound lnJ uftice, can in ~ercy make it found : . . Fear not though l~ultipli~d 1\lRitlion~ fhall B~tiege thee; h~,. .at lengthwill rid them all : . In Famine he fuall feed, in War <!efend thee ; ~hield thee from (lander, and ih griefs attend thee? The Beafts fhall ftrike rhee with Eternal peace, The O:ones fhall not difturh'rl1y fields Enci'eafe ; 1 rhy H0ufe fhall thrive replenHht withContcnr, Which thou fhalt rule Jn J'rofprous Government ; · The number of thy Otf-fpr!ng fhall abeund, J.ike Summers Grafs upoJ1! fruitf1.1l Ground: Like timely Corn weh rip'ned in their Ears, Thou !halt depart thy life firuck full of years: · All"this Experience reUs, .Then ( J"b ) advi[e~ Tl1ou haft caught many, rtow thy f~if be wife• . Mcditat. 'I· T, . He perfett !Tio~ei ofrrue Friend£1:ip; ~· ch:s : A rare afteebon of the Soul, wh1ch ;s lkgun with ripened judgment·; dorh perfever With fimple Wifdom, and conclude~ with Never. _,Tis pure in fubftance, as refined Gold, · .That buyeth all things, bm is never fold. ' It is aCoin, and moft men walk without it; True Love's the Stamp. Jthovah's wri~ about ir; It rufts unus'd, but ufmg makes it br~ghter, 'Gainft Heav'n hi'gh Treafon 'cis to make it iij;htcr. ~Tis aGoldChaiH; links foula.nd foul togethec In perfeCt: llnit'y, ties God ro either. Affiietion is the T.buch, whereby we prov-:-, Whether 'r be G0ld, or gilt with faincd Luvc. The wifc£1: Moralift that ever div'd Into the: depth of~a tu res bowel,, fr,riv'd I9I ,I ,. I I