I • ) ' - _,,9~ . . .'f 0 B M r 1 .AN1J Witli th' Au~r 9f experic~ce, to bore· . Mens hear_rs [o far, till he had foond the Ore Of friendlhip, but de(pairing .of his end, My{ti~nds ( faid he.) .t!Jerqu no:.perfect.friend. .· :. Friendfhip•s like Mufick 1 two firing.stun,~ .alike;. Will both ~ir ; though bur only on.e yo~ ftrike. · It isithe ~inteffence of aH perfetti.on Extraeted into one: A fweet conQex:ion Of all the Virtues Moral a_nd Pivine; Abfl:raeted ipto ,one. It is a Mine, , Whofe nature is not rich, unlefs in making The ftate ofothers ,\Y:al~hy by partaking. . . . 'i. It blooms and bloBoms bo~hin Sun andfhade; Doth ( like .~ Bay ii] wil)t~r:.) n,ever fade: It'loveth all, a~d yet fufpctteth nqne,( Is provident, ye~ feek~th no~ h~r Gwn: .\ . ., :»Tis rare it _felf, yet maketh all things common:, And is judicious, yet judgeth no man. 1 .. The noble T!Jeba;z, being.asked whtch , Of three ( propounded J he fu ppos'd~oft rich ln.Yinues facred·treafure;·thus re.ply'd: Ti~ they be dead, that doubt.cani:lot be, try'd". '.'.'It i~ J.lo wife mans par,t ,to w~gh aFrienq~ With9u~ the.glo[s arui goodnefs ofhi~ end : Fqr life,-. without the dea~h confide.red, can Aftord b,u.t l~lf ~ ftory of the man. . : :· ,Ti5not my frie~ds affiiB:ion r;l1at fl1:all make }yfe either w~onder, cenf~,~re, or forfake : . · Jildgment behngs to fools .; en?ugh that I Find he's.<~.ffi.iB:e~ not enquire, why: . ·. . - It is the hand. of Heaven; rhatJelf-fame f<~rr~w ,,., Grieves him to day, may make me groan ~o ~1orrow.., (' f~e~~ex: b~ . my comfort ;. in my higl~dt gnef 1w1ll not trui\ ~o mam, but thy rd.wf. · ...J