Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

/ 194 · J 0 B M I L I r·A NT~ Requireth water, tl~ey amazed il:anJ To fe~ my gt)~f, l?t!t.len4_nQ helping hand. FiieRds, beg I ruccour from you ?Craved I ' Your goods; tO ranfom my Capt,ivicy ? ' Shew m~my faulu, an4,wherein'I dUi wrqng My patiente, and I will ho14 my tongue; · The force of reafonable ·WGrds may move, B_ut what can·~agc, or -Lunacy reprove? Rebuke you·( then ) mywords to have it theught ' ·My fp~~ i-s-franriek , with my grief diftrauglu~ You take a Fleafure in your friends diftrefs, .That is more wretched,than the Fatherlefs: Behold thefe.fores : Be judg'd.by your own.eyc:~ If thefe becounterfeited mj[~ries. : · Ballance my Word.s, and -you fuall find me fre~ , Free from .thefe foul crimes herewithye bran-ded me, And that my-fpeech was not diftain'd with £:1, Only the langu~ge. farrow trea.red in. · Is not mans day·prcfixt, which then expir~q~. Sleep$he hot 'quiet, as a fenant hit'd? Afervams lab'opr doth) at length, furc~:afe, riis day of travel finds aNight of peace; But ( wretthed ) I withwoes am frill opprdl, My Mid·dax tonpepts fee noEven ofReft; · My ni~bts r or"dain'd'for !leep) are fill'd with grief, llilok ( in vain ) for t~e next days relief: With d11fi: and worms. my fle!h is hid, my farrows ~ave plow"~·my skin, a~d filth l.ies ipher furrows,; My days ofJoy arc in amoment go_ne, And ( hopelefs of remrni~g ) ' (P,cn~ aQd done : Remember f Lord) my li(~; is'l?ut a puff;_ I but a man, that's ll1ife~y c·J1ou~h,; · And wheu pale death hath qn~~ . teal'd up ll)yifi'ght; 1ne'r fl1all fee tl~e p'l.eafllt~s o; the l,ighi ~ · The eye of man !hill 1)9~ difcover me, · ·. No 0 aor thine ( LQrd, ) fot 1£hall c~af.e to. be; . . . ... ( . . , When