Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

· joB Aiitii~NT:_; · ~Pi . When morrats dit', they pa!s ( likeClolf~ b~orc: The Sun') and-back 1 returp they: !lever m'OrC ; .. 1 T1 his earrhly. houfe·he ne~r ·fhall c_ome agin; And tl~cn fhall _J;>e; .a~ifhe ne>r had been :. .. :. . . ,~. 1 Therefore m 't tOflgLJe fhall fpeik) '1/f bile.ir !1ath ll>r~a~TiJ Prcmiptedwithgriefj andwith the p~T}g$ of death: · Am I not wea1t and ·faint? what needff thdu·firet~h "fhy,direful.h!,ri<LU_pon fo pdor awretch· ~ ,. · .·, .. · · ~ ~ ~hen as l ~'hink t~at night.fh.all fiopche ftr~ams . Of my tii.!lrefs),tl'(ru f~igh~,i't me the11;~ith,d're~mt~· So that my foul d~th r·ather choofe tedie) · Tha~ be irivol1ed infuch mifery ; . . . · , ·Ny life's a uurchen; and wm epd. :-0 grieve . No longer _him, th~t would no longer}iv~. . • . Ah! wliac 1s map) that thou fhoulCi-~ll :raifeli~m ll) ~ lligh ~t the fi:dl, then fink him dowtt fo low.? · · . · . . What,sman ? thy· glory's great ~nqugh without .him . ~ , · ' Whydoft thou (-thus) difturb thy minaabout him;? · Lord, I have ~nn'd (Great Helper of Mankind) I .am b~t Duft and Alhd, I ha'*c finn'd _ . ·~gainft th~e: (.as amark) why h~Ll. thoU, 6xt me:~ How h:~vc 1trefpa(t, that tho~ tf1us atllitt'ft ltio? Whv, rather, didft not thou rcma:ve my fin) J}.nlfalve theforrows d~t l raved' in? For thou h1ft heapt f~th W:ng~ce on rny head; ) That 'r'!h:en ~hou f:eek$ft me; tl\ou witt fi'nd m'edea4~ . ~- ·' .. ' .. ~ ~--~----~----~-----------------~ ditditat. g. Tfl':Egypriat)s;. amidft th~ir.fol~m·ii Peafr~{ llfed to welcome, and prefent their Gue!U' A, , ~id~ the f~d fight of'Mans A~atomy, ;:)'crv.dmWlth th1s.loud Motto, Aft mufo d1t~ Fools often go about,.when ~s they trtat Take liett(r M~c:of ane~rway.. -e 0 ~ to:bk