/ t9~ . yJ LIT_ANT/ Look we11 into your bofoms; do not flatter · , Your k11own infirmities : 'Behold, what matter Your fie!h was made of: Man caft back thine eye llpon the weakncfs of thine- infanc>: ; , $eehow thy-lip~ hang on thy Mothers brefl, ·~awling for help, more helplefs than a Beaft~ Liv"ft thou to cnildhood? then, behold, what teys· Do mock the fenfe, how fhallow are thy joys. Com'ft thou to downy years ? See, ·how deceits Gull ~hee with golden fruit, an~ with falfe baits Slily I:;eguile the prime ofthy afteCl:i()n. . Art thou acrain'd at length to full perfection Ofripened ye?ors ?Ambition harh now fenc Thee on her frothy errand; Difcoment Pays tkee' thy wages. Do thy grizly hair$· H~gin to caft accouJ;lt of many cares 1 Upon thy hea~ ? _T.be facred luft of gold Now firs thy fpiri~, for fleihly luft too cold, ., Makes thee a llave .to tlt!ne C!lWn ba(e dcfire, ''Which melts and hardens ai the felf..;fame fire~ Art thou decrepit? Then thy very breath Is grievous to thee, a:nd each gr'ief's a death. Look wh~re thou lift; t_hy lifQ is but a fp~n~1 Thou art but duft, an&to,Gonalijde;.t.{ M·an. ", Thy lif~~s a_warfare, t}lo~ot a Sou.ldier art;' Sa.tan:s thy Fa-man, and a faithful heart _. Thy two-edg,d weapon, Patience thy lhicld, Heaven is thy Chieftain, and the world tRy field. To be afraid to die, or wilh for death, Arc words and pa.ffions of defpairing breatl1: Who doth rMe firfi, the day cloth faiAtly yeild·;· And who the fccond, b·afely flicsthe.field. M1n'·s not a lawful _St~arfrnan of his days} .• f:lis booddS. \1'·i!h; nor hafiens, nqr delays: We areGod's hirc.dworkmen ; he difcharges, . ,S.Qrn"' la~»_:u nig11t, arid ( wh~J:l he lift) enlarges ... ... .. Others