. ' JOB - MILITANT. · No eyeean fe: , n~ he~rt can apprehend hi~, Lifts he,to fpml ?what sbe can reprtfiend hm1 ? His will's his hw. The fmootheil: ~leader hath No _IJower in his lips to lla~e }'lis wrath; Much lefs can I plead fair immunity~ Which could my guiltlef~- tongue attain, yet I Would kifs the foodlep of his Judgment-feat: Shotijd he receive my cry, my grief's fo great, It wonld perfwade me that he heard ir nor, For h: hath.torn me with th.efive-fold knot Of his !harp fcourge ; his plagues fuc~ffi\·e are, ·That I can find no greund, bur ofdelpait. Ifmybold lips. fhould dare ~o juflifie My felf, my lips would give my lip-s the Iye. God ows his mercy, nor to good, J1or bad ; • The wicked oft he fpares, and oft does add · Grief.to the j~fi mans grief, woes afrcr w:)es ; . We mufi not Judge man as his market goes . But might my prayers obtain this booil, that Go,{ Would ceafe tl\dfe forrows, and remove that Rod· · Which moves my p&tienc~ ; Jl"t'pnld tak.e upon me T' implead bt;fore him yqur ra01 judgment on n1e, Becaufe my tender Confden~e dot~~ pcrfwade me, I'm not f0 bad, as your bad w0rds have made me. My life is tedious!! q1y dillrefs iliall bre~1.( Into he~ proper voi'ce, ~ygr.iefs O.•all fpeak : ( Jufi: Judge of earch) condemn me nor betore Thou plcafG to ma~e me underftand whw.forc : . •. Agrees it w~th thy Jtdl:ice, thus ~o be Kind ~o the wic~ed, and fo 1\adh wme ? Scdl thou with fleD1lyeyes ?or do th~y gbn~e By favour? Arc they clos'd with ignorancr;: ~ ~iv'fi thou the ljfe of man? Poft tho~ ddire · A fpaoe of time tofe~ch, or to enquire :.- · My .Gn ?1\j' o, in the twincklingof an eve ThoLt fedl11'1y l.leart~ feeft my im,muniry' .. 0. " . . (