.~o2 JOB MILITANT. ·· . I THE ARG ll MENT. Z~pharblames Job; Jobequal mate.r Hu wifdom~to theirs;' He tate.r .1it band to plead 'With God, ~tnd thtJt . Defcrihes the frail effatc ofme11. _ Sect. to. THen ZtJph~tr from deep lilence, did awake His words with louder language, and befpake : Shall Pratlers beunanfwer'd, or 1ball fuch · 1 Be counted juft, that fpea~, for b~bling much? Shall.thywoms~op out mouths, he that hath blam•a And fcoft at others, lJ.,all he die un!ham'd? Our ears have heard thee, when chw haft excus'd 'rby felf of evil~. and thy God aecus'd : But if thy God!hould plead with thee a,c large, . Thou'dft reap t~e f~ro:ws ofadouble tharge. Canfi: thou, by deep enquiry , underftand •, The ilidden ]ufti~ o! the ~!mighty's hand ? Heavens large dimenfions·cann~comprehend Itim ;· What-e"r he do, what~s he can reprehend him ? What refuge haft thGu then, b,ut ·to prefent Aheart inricht with the fad G6rriplement Of a true Conver , on thy bend~d knee, · ~efore thy God, t' atone thy God and thee ? Then doubt not, but he~ll rear tl1ee from thy lQtrow, Dlfpc,(e thy Cloods, and like a ihining morrow 0 Make clear rh~ Sun-:beams of Profper1ty, . A.nd reft th}:' foul in iweet SecuritJ:· But he, whofe heart, obdur'd in {y~, perfifls, liis hopes !hall vanifh, as the morning m~!ts. ' - . · But