) J ' I' 242 .JOBMIL-!TANT· .lJ.feditat. 18. ·o· I Gioriou~ ligl1t! Alight unapprehended~ \ By mortal eyes! 0 Glory, never ended, l Nor e·r treated, whence all' Glory fprings, · In heavenly bo<;lies·.; and in earthly things! 0 Power immenfe, derived from a will Moft jufi and a~Ie to do ail,.but ill ! 0 Effence pure, and full of Majefty ! Greatnefs ( ir felf) and yet no quantity ; Goodnefs, and without quality; producing All things from out of nothing, and n!du cing All things to nothing; pafi all comprehending, Eoth Firft and Lail:, and yet without an ending, Or yet beginning ; filling every creature,. And not (it felf) included; above Nature, Yet not excluded; of it felf fubfifiing, And. with it felf all other things affifiing; Divided, yet without ·diYifion; A perfect Three, yet Thr.ee, entirely One; . Both One in Threc,--and Three in One, together ; Begetting , and begotten, and yet neither ; The Fountain of all Arts confounding Art: Both all in AII, and all in every pare; Still, fetking Glory, and fiill wanting none, Though jufi, yet reaping, where thou ne·r haft fow11. · Great ~ajefiy-, fince Thou art every where, . 0, why fhouid I mifdoubt thy Prefence here ? I long have fought thee, but my ranging hearr Ne:r quefis,' and cannot fee thee .where thqu art; There's no dtfed in thee, thy lighr hath fhin'd, Nor can be h1d, (great God bur I am blind. 0 clear mine eyes, and with rhy holy fire Inaame my breafi, and edge my full defire : I