Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

JOB MILITANT. ~4) Wafb me with Hyffope, clearife my fl:ained tbc>ughts, ,Renew my fpirit , blurr forth my fecret faults ; Thou tak'ft no pleafure in a finners death; .For thou art Life, thy Merci's not beneath Thy facrcd ]uftice. Give thy fervant power ro reek aright, and (having fought) difcover Thygiorious Prefence ; let myblemitht Eye SeemySalvation yet before I die. · · " 0, thenwy Duft; that's bowell'd in the ground) Shall rife with Triumph at the welcom found Ofmy Redeemers Earth-awaking Trump, . ttnfrighted at the noife: no fullcmDump Ofle}f ..confounding Confcience !hall affright me, . For he's my Judg, whofe dying blood thall quit me. . . . THE ARGUMENT• G 0 D fpeakJ to Job the ftcrmd tiThe: Jobyeelds hisfin, repents bij crime : . G. 0 Dchec~hi! friends, reftores his bealth'J Gtves him hewJjJue, double wealth. ' \ 0. Neemore the mouth o(Heaven rapt ro~~h a voitteo, . ... The troubled Fir!Jlament was fill'd \vith noife, TheRafret s of the dar:_~~e:~· Skie did fha.ke, For the EternaJ thu~dred thJJ_s, and fpake; · ·. ., .Colle8: thy (catter~d f~nfe~ anq:z.dvife, ·, Rouzo up (fond man)and,anfwer my r~plies. . Wilt thoumake Comments on my Texc, and muft I be unrighteous, to conclude thee jufi: J · · · Shall ~yDecrees be:: lis~rice~ by thee J . What, canfi: thou thunder wilh a vioce like Me l . R 2 Pu;: