Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

/ '4J,44 J 0 n M I L 1.TANT. Put on thy Robes ofM~jefty,Beclad · . . ' With as bright glory (lob ) as can be had; .·• Make fierce thy frowns, ancfwith an angry face,_,· Confound the Proud, and his high thoughts abafe- 1 · .. Found him to Duft: Do this, and I t.rill yield,.. :· · : , Thou art a God, and needft no other fhield. . · .·c · · Behold, the Cafile-bearing El~phant, . ·· That wants no bulk, nor doth his greatnefs want: An equal firength ; Behold his maffie bones, · .· · Like barrs ofiron; like congealed-ftones, · ' ; · His knotty finews ·are ; Hjm have I made, ;. { And -given him natural weapons for his aide?. .His Mountains bear his food, the fhady boughs · .: r His Covers are, great Riv-ers are his Troughs; .~ · n t:' ·· Whofe deep caroufes would to fianders by ' Seem at a warring to draw Jordan dry; What skilful huntfmen can with firength out-dare him.. Or with what Engines can a man enfnare him~ · . Haft thou beheld the huge Leviathan, · That fwarthy Tyrant of the O~ean! Can , Thy bearded hook impierce his Gils, or make him Thy landed Pris·ner? ·can thy'angles rake him l Wiii he make fuit for favour from thy hands, Or.be enthraiied to thy fierce commands ? WIll he be handled as a Bird? or may · .1;hy fingers bind him for thy childrens play1 ;Let.men he·wife, for in his looks he hath Difplayed Banners ofuntimely death. If creatures be fo dreadful, how is he · . Mote bold thaFl wife; that dares encounter Me ? What hand ofman can hinder my defigne ? . Are not the Heavens, and all beneath rhem,mine f Diflelt the greatnefs of fo vafi a Creature, . . . By view of feveral parts fum up his feature: ·Like fbields his Scales are plac't, which neither art Knows how to funder , nor yet force can parr.