JOB MI~!TANT. llis belching rucks forth flames, hi~ mo':ing Eye Shi~s like the glory of the mornmg sk1e; ... His craggy finewes are like wreathes ofbrafs, And fa:pm his mouth' quick flames.of fire pals AS-from an oven, the temper of hts heart Is like a Nether.Milfione, which no Dart _ . Can pierce, fecured from the threatni~g Spear; Afraid of none~'.h~ftrikes th~ world Wit~ fear.:: The Bow.. m'Jns brawny arm fends fhafts .mvam, They fail like fl:ubble, or bound back agam : 1 • Stones are his pillow; and the Mud his down, In earth none greater is, nor equal non~, . Compar'd with him, all things he doth dertde, · And well may chaHenge to be King of Pride. . - So fa id, th' amazed Jobbent down his eyes U{'on the ground, and ( fadly) thus replies : I know (gr~at God) there·s -nothing hard to Thee, , Thy thougljts are pure, and too too deep for me : I am a fool, and my difl:empered wits Longer out-fl:raidmy 'rogue, than well befits: . My knowledge flumbred~ while my lips did, And like.a Fooi,J fpake I knew not what. .· . . Lord;teach me Wifdom, Iefl: my proud deftre, Sil}ge her bold feathers in thy Sacred fire; . Mm(4ar hath oft been rounded with thy Story. But now thefe very eyes have ieen thy glory. My finfull word I not (alone) lament, Eut in the horror ofmy foul repent i · Repent with Teares inSack-cloth,mourn -in Dufi; I am a finfui man, and thou art juft. · Thou Elipha~ that mak'fi my facred word Afi Engine ofDefpair, (faid tberr-the Lord) Behold full Vials ofmy wrath attends On thee, and on thy two too partial Friends ; For you have judg'd amifs; and have abus'd My Word to work your ends, falfly accus~d . 1\ 3 . . y ''