~46 JOB M !'LITAN'r;. My righteous Servant-: Of you ail there's nort«r Harh fpoke uprightly, as my Job hathdone. . Hafie then, (before my kindling fire begin Tp flame) i1nd each man offer for his fin A facrifice, by Jeb my fervants hand, And for his fake your Offering fhall withftand The wages of yout fins, .. for what can I If Job, my fcrvant, make requefi, deny l - - So firaight they \vent, and (after fpeedy pardon Defir7d and had) the righteous Job (for guerdon Of his fo tedious Grief) <?btain'd the health - Of a found body, ana increafe of wealth; 5o that the fecond harveft of his fl:ore Was double, that which he enjoy'd before• ' E'rthis was·blazed in the Worlds wide Ears, · (The frozen breafis of his famfliars, And oold Allies, being now diffolv'd inGrief) His back,vard friends came ro him with relief,· To feed his wants and with fad tbowringeys, To moan his (yet fuppofed) miferies: Some brought him-Sheep to blefs his emptyFold, Some precious Ear-rings, ,others, rings ofGold :. God blefl his loins; from whence there fprang again The m~mber of his children that were flain; ·Nor was there any in the Land fo rare · In virtne,as his daughters, or fo fdir.. Long afrerthis he liv'd in peace,' to fee '1 His childrens children, to the fourth degree, Till at the length, cut fhort by Him that flays 11or none, he dy'd in peace and full ofDays. ' ' . ' EViJJ 's the defect of good, and as a fhad(, That's but the ruin~s of the light .~ecay'd ;_ · :. , ' · - . 1• It I '