Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

JOB MILITANT. . .. It hatbno being, nor is underftood, But by the oppofition of Good. , What then is man? whofe pur'efl thoughts are preft l 1\or Sacans Warrs, which from the tender brefi:, With Infant·filence have confented to Such ftnful deeds, as (babes) they could not do / . What then is mari, but Nothing, being Evil, · His Lunatick affeCtions do unlevel What Heaven created by juft weight and meafure ; ~n pleafures·fink, he takes a fwine-like pleafu~e-' His fpan of life, and beauty's like a Flower, Fair ftourifhing, and fading in an hour. He breaks into the world with tears, and then Departs with grief, not knowing how, nor \V, hen, His life's a bubble, full offeeming Blifs, The more it lengthens, the more f110rt it i~; · Begot in darknes, he's brought forth, and cric$ · For fuccor, paffes o'r the fiage and dies. Yet, like a Mole, the earth he undermines, • Making the World the forge of his dcng~es: He plots, complots, forefees, prevents, d1re8:s, . He hopes, he fears, he doubts, purfues, effctts: Each hath his plot, each one his courfe doth bend,, Each hath his project, and each one l'lis end. Thus ref\lefs man doth fl:ill his foul moleft ;' To find o1,1t (that which l\ath no being) Refi; Thus travels finful man in endlefs toi 1, . ·Taking a pleafure in his own mrmoil. Fond man firft fee~ to purchafe that div:ine And facred prize, and all the world is thine : GreatSolomo.nmade fuit for Wifdom, and he fo.und – Not (bar~ly) W1fdo.m but that Wifdom crown'd WithDia~emof wealth, and fair e.ncreafe Of Princely Honour, wi.th long days of Peace. (With fa{e refpeCl:, and awful reverence ToMyft'ries) Meditation doth commence R 4