Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

( ~48 'jOBMlLITA!VT: An earne{t doubt: Was JobJ difpoyled Ffock Refl:ored double ? Was his former Stock Renew'd with double vaptage? Did heaven add Toall his fortunes -d:obble what he had? Yet thofe fweet Emblems of his dearefi: love, ( His fans) whpm d'earh untimely did remove From off the face of the unthankful earth, vVhy Jik~wife fprang !lOt they in double birth ? Bruit beafl:s that p~rifh once, are loft for ever, Their fubfiance, an&their All confumes together Once having given afa~ewel to the light, 1 . . They die, and with.them is perpetual night :· But man, (unorgan"d by the hand ofDeath) • t. Dies not, is bUt rranfplanred from beneath, · · ·· ·' Into a fairer foil, ·or as a fi:ranger , Brought ho~e fecure,from the worlds.p!eafing ·danger: · Jobs tiock5 were loft, and therefore doublegiv_en, H;s iffue's equal fbar'd 'twixt Earth and Heav~; One half in Heav ·n are glorious in their doom, Ingag~d as Pledges. till .the other come. ', . · · Great God!. my Tttne·s but fhort, a12d long my way, My he~rt hath loft her'Path, andgone,afl:r.ty, l My fpirit's faint, and frail, my fdul's imbofi, If thou help not, I a111 for ever loft; .. Though Du(t, and Afhes, yet I am thy Creature, I Howe'r my fins are great, thy Merci's·greater ; Ofnothing didfi thou make me"and my fin Hath turhd me back to nothing, once agil'l: Create1me a tiew heart,(great God) lnfpire My cold affections with thy f.1cred fire: Infuuet my \Vill,.and reCl:ifie my waies, p t~acl1 me ( Lord; to rwmbtr Otlt myDaies. I • 1 THE