Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

I . ( The Digcfiion of the .whole · · H'iftory. r • 1·. ln Profperity. . (with ftore• THou, whofe lank_Jortuna he~v'? ha~h fwell'd Make not thy fdf, by over-wifhmg?popt;: • • Husband th.at good, whichelfe abufer mak~s bad, .J Abftrafting, where thy bafe d~fire wo~ld add: . Lines fiowi·ng from,~ Sophoclean qu-ill . ... ~ Deferve no Plaud#, being acted ill. . 2. In Adverfity. Hath heav•n withd_rawu the Talent he hath giv'n thee? Ha'th envious Death o~all thy Sons bereaven thee ? Have foul Difeafes foil'd thee on the floor? ' .. He earns mo fweet, that never tafied foure :· Thou art a Scholar : if thy Tutor do ·, Pofe~thee too hard, he will infirutt thee too. 3· In temptation. •'11.·• Art thqu oppos'd to thy unequal Foe ? March brrvely on, thy General bids thee, Goe ; Thou art1leavens Champion to maintain his right; Who cals thee forth, will give thee firength to fight, God feeks by conqueft thy renown; for He , Will win enough, Fight 1 thou, m; Faint, or Fie~. 4· In Slttnder. , IfWinter forrunes nip thy Summer friends, And tip their tongues with Cenfure, that offends Thy render Name, defpair not, but be wife, · ~now, heaven foletteth, whom tl'le world denies; Thow \