Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

To.the Reader~ . ' J , )_Ct fo impertoPn, but I cau/J, fleal fome : TH~ tyranny ~f my affaires1'Jas never yet hours to my private Meditations; the fruits of which ftoln time r ·here prefent: thee with, in theHiflory of Sampfon: wherein if thyextream feverity check:. at any thing which thouconceiveft may not ft~~.nd with the Majefty of this{acred SubjeEt; k.._now, that my intention.was not: to effendmy brother: ·'The wifeft of Kings in[pired hy the King of J:Pifdom, thought it no detraf!ion from the gravity of hi1 Holy Proverbs, to defcrtfje 4 , Harlot likg a Harlot; H_er 'Jfhorifb:A.ttirt' he~jrJ!• modeft Gefl~re; her bold .co·unteiuince; .her flatter– ing tong~e; her lafcivious ~·mbra..ces ; . h'er ,.unc}11f, Kif{es ;·her imp~4ent inv1t~t~ons: If !"J def~t!£tf~ ons in tl;e lik.§kfnd, offend~ ·Imaf(e no:quift1~ . puc the valzdity of my Warrant wit!gi~e·a-rei;/ottiB~e fatisfal1ion: He that lifti not hisfeet·'htgh ~noiJgT;; may eafilyftumble·: But oh the·contrary, .if'J,n)'pf) wbofe worfe than facrilegiout mmdifllizll,. jrop'lti:tn~ our harmlefs intentionJwithwanton conceits, to fach I he.artily wijh, aProcul ite ;; Let none fuch loof{ farther than this Epi{lle, at their ownperils: If they do, let them put offtheir fooos, for this is Ho..: ly Ground : Foul h11nds will mr~ddie the clearefo water.r; and bafe minds wUI c~rrupt the pureft Text: . !f