Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

To the Reador. IfAny offence be tak.!n, it is~} WtfJ of /lt4lth,for there ii none-willingly given : I write to Bees, and f!Ot t~ Spiders they will (uck_.pleaftng honey from [Hch flowers : thefe m.AJ burft with their o·wn poyfon ; ~~~t JOU, whofe well feafon\l heart! are nQt Jj.. ftempered witheither ~fthefe extremititi, but havt the better relifh6[a SAcred Hnderftanding; dr11w iuar and reatl. _ J Singth' Il!uftriout andreno~nedflorj C/mighty Sampfon ; The eternal glory Of his HeroiclaBs: Jfis life, His deatk: ~iclzynmy .{Jfufo with thy dfviner hr.eath, Great GodofMufei, that m] profp'rous Rimes May liveand /aft to everlafling timu; That they ~tnf,orn mdy in thii SacredStory; Admire t~} goodnefs, and ativanc~ thyglory. * THE I " \