Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

, sst· · fhtrt~"*****tt~tt\Wtt . THE HI S T 0 R Y OF SA MPSON. THE ARGUMENT. A holy Ahel doth [al11.te The Wife of Manoab, and inlarge Her barren wombe with promisd ' fntit Ofboth their loin1. The Angelscharge. Sell. 1. . I ' VVIchin the Tents of Zoar dwelt a man Of.Jacobl feed, and of theTribeof Dan~ Known by the name ofManoah, to whom . , Heaven had deni'd the treafure of the womb ; · . His Wife was barren ; and her prayers could nor . .. ·Retnove that gref!t r.r:_proach, or cleanfe that blot . Which on her fruitlefs name appear'd fo foul, Not to encreafe the Tribe of D11n one (oul : Long had file, doubtlef~,fl:riven with heaven byprai'rs; Made ilrong with tears and fighs ; hopes and defpairs No doubt had often tortur'd her defire / Upon a Rack compos'd offrofl: and fire: . But heaven was pleas'd to turn his deafned eares ~gainfi thofe prair's,made ftrong with fighs &: teares : Sh!i L. . ..