JOB MILITANT. She often pray'd but prai'rs could not obtain: Aias, fhe pray'd, fhe wept, fhe figh~d in vain: She prayd, no doubt, but pray'rs could find no roor.n : They prov'd, alas, as barren as her womb. Uponatime (when her unanfwer'd pray'r Had now given juft1occafion of defpair, . · Even wheirher bed-rid faitli .was grown fo fraif That very hope grew heartlefs to ptevail) ' Appear'd an angel to her; In his face Terrour and fweemefs labour'd for the place : ' Sometimes his Son-bright eyes wouM thine fo fierce. ' • As if their pointed beams would even pierce Her foul, and fl:rike th' amaz'd beholder dead: Som,etimes their.gloryw.puld difp~rfe, .and fpread More eafie flames ; and, like the ;fiar that ftood O'r Bcthlem, promife and portend fome good· : Mixt washis bright afpea; as if his breath I Had equal errattds both of life and death ·: Glory and.Mildnefs feemed to contend In his fair eyes, fo long, till in the end, In rlorious mildnefs, and inmilder glory, He fhus falutes her }Vith thi's pleafing fiery : 'Woman.;Heaven greets.thee well.·Rife up & fear not 'Forbear thy .faithlefs'tremblings: I appear not 'cma· in the; V.efiments'oftonfumihg fire; ~ Chear up, I have, no warrant to enquire · 'Into thy fins; T ,have no vials here, · ' Nor dreadful Thunderbolts i:o tnake thee fe'Jr c I ht!VCf no plagues t'. infliCt; nor is my breath 'Charg\d witJl.~efiruttion; or myhand with death ' No, no ; chear up, I come not to defiroy; 'I come to bring thtre tydings ofgreat joy ' Rouze up thy dull belief; for I appear 'To exercife thy Faith, and not thy fear : 'The Guide, and great Creator of all things, ChiefLorcl of Lords, and'Supreine King of Kings. .. 7'6