.;: 'l76 The 1liftory o-f SA MPS 0 N. 'o, h()Wmy wonder-fmitten heart began ' To fail ~ o :th:en I knew it was no man : ' ·No, n<Y; it was rhe faceofGod ; our eyes 'Have feen his face : ( who ever faw't, hut dies ?) 'we are but dead, death dwels within his eye, ,.And we have feen't, and we fuall furely die ;– whereto the-womah ( ~hodid either hide, Or elfe ha~ .over~otn~ her fears) reply'd; ' Oe{pamngMan ! take courage, and forbear ' Thefe fa~fe,p:rediltions ; the-re-'s no caufe of fear :' 'wouldheaven ~ccept our offerings·: and receive ' Our holy things ; and, after tl')at, berieve' 'His fer~ants of their lives? Can he be thus· 'Plea~ d~with our offerings, unappeas"a witfi'us ? ~ 'Hath he not ptdmis'd th'at· th~ rime ihall ~ome, ' wherein tho fruits ofmy refior~omb 'Shall make thee fatherto aho~eful f6n? ' Can heaven be falfe? Or can thefe things be done· ' when we are dead'?' No, no, his holy breath 'Had fpent invain, ifdieyhad: m:eant'oilr death : 'Reca1 thy needlefs fears; ·ileaven·canmot lie; ' Although we faw his face, we _fhall not die. So faid, they brake off their difcohrfe,. and \vent;, · He to the.field, and fhe into her tent~· . !h_rice forty dayes not full c_omvieitt,-being come~ , W1thm the endoftlre of her qmck'ned womb, . The Babe began to fpring ; am\ with his motion Confirm'd the faith, and quick'ned the devotidn · Ofhis believing parents, whofe devout . And h:ca¥en~afcending Orizons, no doubr, .. Were turn~-d to thanks, and heart rejoycing praife, Toholy Hymnes and heavenlyRoundelaies : Ttechild grows fturdy everydaygivesfirength Unto his womb-fed l'tmbs; till an he tength Th' apparent mother having_ paft the·date Of he r- accompt,,does onlynow await~