The Hiftory -of SA MPS 0 N. How neceffary is the ruipe than, . And mifey of fin-beguiled Man ! On What foundation fhall his hopes · rely? See we thy face, or fee it not, we dye : 0 let thy ·Wo~dC&reat God) infi:~ua: the y~uth, And frailty of our faith; thy Word IS truth : And what our eys want power to perceive, 0 let our hearts admire, and believe. · THE ARGUMENT. Sampfon at Timnah falls in love ·.andfancies a Philijfitm Maid: He moves hispare_nts : They reprove bisfinful choice: diflik!, d~(Jwade. Setl. 7· NOw when as firong limb'd Sampfon had difpos'd His trifling thoughts to children, and diclos'd · His bud of child-hood, which being over;grown, And bloffom ofhis youth fo fully blown, That fl:rength ofnature now thought good to feek Her entertai'nment on his downy cheek, And with her manly bourity did begin To undfeminate his fmoother chin, He went toTimnah ; whither did refort "A greac coneourfe ofpeople, to difport Themfelves with pafi:ime; or perchance, 'to fhew; Some martial Feats (as they were wonuo do; Scaffolds were·builded round about, whereon The crown_of eye-delighted lookers on , Were clofely pil'd: as Sampfons .wandring eye Was ran(Jing up and down, he d1d efpy o T4 A