Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

?.lo The Hifiory of SA MPS0 N. A comely Virgin_ beau~iful, and young, . Where fhe wasJeated midft the gazing throng ~ The more heview'd•, the more his eye defir'd To view her face, an~ as it view'd, admir'q; , His heart, inflam~d; his thoughts were all on fir~ ; His pafftons all were turn'd into defire; ~ehwere his looks, that fhe might well defcry A fpeaking Lover in his fparkling eye: Somtime~ his reafon bids his thoughts beware, tell: he be catcht in a Philifiian fnare; · .t\nd then, his th"'a_rting paffio11 would reply, fear not to be a pnfoner to that eye: Reafon fuggefts; 'tis vain to make a cltoice, Wh~reParents have an over-ruling voice: Pailion replies, That fc;ar and filial duty Mufi ferve affeltion, and fitbfcribe to beauty ; Whilft rea[on faintly mov'd him to neglett, Prevai:ing paffion urg"d his foul t'aftett: faqion concludes: Let her enjoy thy he~rt t Reafon concludes ; but let thy tongue impart ,, Thy ..ffection to thy Parents, ·and difcover To them thy thoughts: With that the wounded Lover~ ( ·whofe quick divided paces had out-run , His Iingring heart ) like an obfervant Son, B.epairs unto his Parents ; fully made Relation ofhi·s troubled thoughts, and faid, 'Th:s day, at Timnah to thefe wretched ey~s, stR, , ' Being taken captive with the novelties 'Which emertain'd my plealed thonghts, app~ar~d c A fairer o~jeat ;, 'Yhich harh fo ~ndear'd ~ My very foul, (with fadneis fo diftreft) . -' ~That this poor heart can find no eaf~, no r~fi ;– FTr was a Virgin ; in whofe heavenly facel fUt1patern'd beauty, and divil'ler Grace ~were fo conjoyn'd, as if they both coufpir'd _f Te ;~~~~one Angel; wh~n t\}efe ey~s ~nquir'd - · 'Into