The Hiflory of S AMP S0 N. ~ Into the excell~nce of her rare perfettion, 'They could not chufe blltlike, and .my affeRion ~ Is fo enflamed with defire, that I c Am now become dofe prifoner to her eye : c Now ifmy fad petitionmaybut find 'A fair fuccefie to eafe my tortur'd mind; 'And if your tender hearrs bepleas'd to prove . ~ As prone to f>ity mine, as mine to love, ~Let me, with joy, exchange my tingle life, ' And be the husband off()f'lir awife. - Whereto th' amazed Parent~, On whofeeye Diftafie and wonder p~rchtJ made th_is reply: ''What firangedefire? Wh~t u9advis'd requdl: 'Hath broken Ioofe frorn thy difiratted brefi I ' What ! Are the Daught~s of thy brethren grown ~So poor in Worth, and Beauty ~ Is there none ' ' To pleafe that over-curious eye of thine, ~But th' iffue of a curfcdPhilifline? ~Can thy rnifwandring eyes chufe none, but her ~ That is the child of an ldolater! · ~ Corrett thy thQughts, and let thy foul rejoyce ~In lawful beauty make a wifer choic~. How w~ll this counfel plea~'d the tyred ear~ Oflove-fick Samp[on, p, let him that b~ar~ A croft affeltion, judge : Let him difcove~ · The woful cafe of this afflilted Lover ; What eafie pencil can reprefent . . . · His very looks? 1-fow fiern his brows were bent: His drooping head ; his very port a~d guife : His hloodlefs cheeks; ~nd ~~apnefs 9fhis eyes; Till, at the length; his mqving tongue betray'd His full en lips to 'language, thus, and fa id : S I R., . '" 'Th' extream affeltion ofmy heart does lead , 'My tongue C. that's quick'ned with my love) toplead'; ~What ifher Parents be not circumcis'd ! , ~ f:ler I~ue !hall ; and fhe, perchanceadvi~'<;! I 'To