Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

2. g4 The}Hijlory ofS A M P S 0 No T~is is that holy tir.e, thatbu~ns and lafts Ttl quencht by,death; the other are but blaft:s That faintly blaze, like oy1-forfaken fnuffs, ' \Vh1ch every breath of difcO,Utt;nent puffs And quite e~tinguifhes ; . and leaves ·us n~hing ,But an offenfive fubjett of our loathing. · • j ' ' I THE ARGUM'I!.NT. He gees toTironah: A.r be went He flew a Lion by tbe way : . He fues, obtains tbe Maids confent: Ana they appoint the Marriage~day. Se8. 8. wHen the next day had with his morning !iglu: · Redeem'd the Eaft from the dark fhadesofnight; And with his golden rayes, had. over:-fpr~d The rieighb'ringMountains; from his loathed Bed Sick~thoughted Sarnpfon rofe, whofe watchful ey~~ Morphens that night had, with his leade_n keys, Not power toclofe : his thoughts did (o incumber His reftlefs Soul, his eyes could never flu1Jlber : Wh,ofe fofter language by degrees did .wake His fathers fleep-b~$!afned ears, and fpake : 'Sir, Let your early bleffings light upon · 'The tender bofome of your pr ofp·rous Son, ~And let the God of Ifrael repay · , g; Thofebleffings double, on your head, thi~ day; 'The long fince banifht fhadow~ make me ·bol<.\ ' To let you know, th~ morning waxes old ; ~The Sun-beams ~r~. grown ftrong; their brighter hiew 1 ~ fiive broke the mifts, and drv'd the morningdew.; · · . . . ..~ . . ' Th~ \ ,