The Hiflory of SA MP S 0 N~ 'The fweetnefs of the Seafon does invite : Your fieps ,to vifit Timnah, ~mdacquire . .Your lafi nights promife. With that the Danite and his Wife arofe, $car~e yet: refolv'd, at Iaft they did difpofe Their doubtful paces; to behbld the ptize OfS4mpfons heart,. and piea1ure of his eys ;· . They went, and wnen ti1eir- travel had attain'd' Thofe fruitf~l hi11s, whofe duffers entertain'd" l'heir tl_lidfy pallats and t~eir fweiiing pride) "rhe muftng Lover being fie,pt afide To gain the pleafure of a lonely thought, Appear'd a full ag'd Lion, who had fought ( But could not fi~ad h}s long defired.prey ; · Soon as his eye had given him hop·es to pay His debt to nature, and. to mend that fanlf His empty fiomach found, he maeile affauft Upon th' unarmed Lovers breaft, whofe hand Had neither fiaffe nor weapon to withfiand His greedy rage ; but he whofe mighty fi:rength, Or fudden death.mufi nowappear, at length Srretcht forth hi~6tawny arm, (his arm fupply'd With power'from heaven) did withea(e div1de; His body,limb from limb, and did betray , , His flefh to Fowls, that lately fought his prey: _This done his quick redoubled paces make · His fl:ay ame!'lds,.his ni'mble fieps o'rtake Ris leading Parents, who by this, difcover l:he fmoke ofTimna~: now the greedy Lover Thinks ev~ry fiep a mile ; and every pace Ameafur'd league; nnt'il'he fee that face,. And find the·rteafure of his-heart that lies In the fair Casket of his Mifireife eyes: But all this while dofeSampfon made not kuown, Unto his Parants, what his hands haddone; By this the gate ofTimnah entertains / \ ' Th«