\,. ;, 88 The Hiflory of S AMPS o· N. Ee not too firi8: :Fair liingriage may recure A fault ofyouth; \v'hilft rougher words obdure. THE A R GUM EN\T. SampG1ngoe1 down to celeh~ate . HiJ Marriage and his Nuptial Feafl: The Lion, which he flew oflttte ·Hath bony in his putrid hreaft. Sen. 9 • I . vvHen as the·long expe8:ed time was come; Whet:ein thefe Iingring Lovers would con-. The ~r?mi'sd marriage,_and obq:rve the rites (fumme Pertammg to thofe fefbvai delights; ~ampfon went down ro ~imnah; t~ere t' enjoy The fweet poffeffion ofhts deareft JOY: But as he patt thofe fruitful Vineyards, where His hands of late, acquit him of that fear, (Wherewith the fierce affaulting Lion qciail'd His yet unpr.t8:ic'd courage) and prevail'd ttpon his life ; as by that place he pafi:, He turn'd afide, and borrowed of his hafie· Alittl~ titr.e,wherin his eyes might'view ' The Carkafs of the Lion which he flew; But when \is wandriJ.Jg foodl:eps had drawn neat The unlamented Herfe, his wondringear . Perceiv'da murm'ri-pgnoife, di fcerning not Frot~n whence that fl:range eonfufion was, or what ; He fiays his fieps, and hearkens; fiili th~ voice Prefents his ear'with acontinuednarte ; ·. At length, his gemiy n7oving feet apply · 7 'Jheir paces to}he Garkafs,where his eye > \ . , . ·• ~ ...