Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

. . The Hiflon r;f S A l'j Ps_ 01\l.. Difcerns a fwarm ofBees, whofe laden thighs R'epos'd the burthens, and the painful prize pr their fweet labour, in the hallow (:heft Pf the dead Lion, whofe ut:lbO\\ ell'd brefi: ,. . . , :Became their plent~us ftorephoufe, where they laid .The befi increafe of their Iaboripus trade~; The ftefhly Hive was fill'd withcuriqQ5Cotnbc:&:ll Within whofe dainty wax-divided rooms <·· ~ere fhops ofqoney, whofe d~licious tafl:e p1d_fwe~tly recbmpe~ace rh' adJourned hafte Oflmgrmg Sampfon, wh~ does now rep~y. The time heborrowed from his better way, 1\nd with renewed fpeed and pleafure, ftiesJ ,MJ:here ail his foJ.tl-delighting ~reafure lies; f • He goes toTi(1lnah, where his heart doth find 4 greater fweem~1s, tha~ he left behind ; His hafty hands irivices her gl~dder. eyes :ro fee, and lips to tafte that ~bvious prize; · His interrupted fi:ay had lately t~ok; ' And as fhe rafl:ed, his fixt eyes would look Upon her varnifht lips and there difco.vc:r A fweerer t'\veetpefs to content aLover~ · Ahd now the bufie Virgips ar~ preparing . :fheir cofily Jewels, for the nel<:t dayes wearing~ ~ach lap is fill'd with flowers, to~o~p~fe · , , The nuptial Garland, f9r th~ Brides fair brows ~ y The cofi-negle8:ingCoo~es h~venow encrea{t Their paftry dainties tQ clorn ~heJeafi: ; . E.:ach willing hand is lab'ring to proyide The needful ornament~ ,to deck the Bride.. . But now; th~ crafty Philijlines for fear .' _ left Sampfons firength ( which . fiattl~d every eaf With Clread a)1d wonder ) :under that pretence; Should gain heme~: to_offer v,ioknce -~" And through the fl·ew ofpuptial devotion; . Shol.lld take-advantages to breed cotll{llotion ~ . . ~ , . .~ '