' . 2.9 2. - The #iftory of~A MPS q N. Sell. Ib. , N . Owwhen the gioryof tl~e next day-es light • Aad chas'd the fhadows (jfthe tedious night, when coupling Hymen with his nuptial bands, · And gold~n fetters, had conjoyn'd -their hands; when jolly welcome had to e.xery guefi, Expos'd the bounty of the marriage fe-aft; Their now appeafed fiotnacks did enlarR_e Thejr captive tongues, with power tO difcharge Aqd quit theirtable-dury, and disburf~; . Their fiore of interchangeable difcourfe, . Th' ingenious Bridegroom nirn'd his rolling eyes r ttpon his guard ofBridemen,.' aJ!dapplieS His fpeech to them : And whil'fi that everymarl Lent his attentive ear, he thus began; · 'Mvrongue·s in labour, and my thoughts abound ; ' I h<i \Te ll 'doubtful Riddle, to propound; . '\Vhich.ifyour joyned Wifdoms can difcover, 'Before our feven dayes feafting be pafi over, ' Then, thirty fheets:, and thirty new fupplies 'Of Raiment fhall beydur deferved prize : ' But ifthe fe,ven dayes feafi fhatl be diifolv'd, ' Before my darkn~d Riddle be refolv'd; ' Ye fhall be afl ingaged to refign ' The like ro me, the vi(fry being mine: So fa id ; the bridemen, whofe enchanged eyes Found feC.rer hopes<>f conqueft, tht1s replies : .'Prepound thy Riddle : J.er thy r.ongue difp~~ch ' Her cloudy errand: We accept the match : 'Vith that the hopeful Cha,Ienger conva_y d ffls Riddk to their hearkning ears, and faid:; , I • I