Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

• I '. The l/iflory of S4 MPS 0 N. 293 The Riddle. Our food, in plenty, do'h proceed · From hitn that u!'d to eat; .Atldqe, whofe c'uftom( was to feed, Doe$ mw affqrd J:f! meat; ~ tbing, that I did laul] meet, As I did pafs along, .Affordedme adainty ['P!eet, Tet was both fharp andftrong. The doubtful Riddle b~ing thus propound~d, They mufe;the more they mus'd,chemor~ ~onfound~d~ (>ne rounds his whifp'ring neighbour in the <:ar, Whofe lab·ring lips deny him leave to ··hear ; Another trufting rather tohis own .Conceit, firs mufing, by h~mfelf, alon~: Here two are clofely whifp'ring, till a t4ird . Come~ in, nor to the purpofe fpeaks a word : There firs two more, and t\)ey cannot agree How ridt the cloaths,how fine the fh~ets muft be : Yonder fiands one, that, mufing, fmil~s ; no doub~ But he is near it, ifnot found it out; To whom another ruddy rufhes iri, And puts him quite h<;fi.des his thought agira : Here three are whifp'ring, and a founhs intrufiop Spoils all, and puts them all Into confufion ; Thet:e fits another it;ta chair fo de,ep In thought, that he is nodding fafi a fleep,: * The more their bufiefancies do endeavou~, The more they erre ; now farther offthan ever ; Thus when their wits, fpurr'd on with fharpde(ir~•. Had !oft their breath, and now bega~ t-ire, ·:.,, They ceas'd to tempt conceit beyond'hc"r ttrttt.fgth, -A~d wc:a.ry ,ofth,e.lr thou£ht$, their t.houghts at length • I V - ~ f{~~IAQ