I ThcHiflory ofSAMPSON. '9S But when th' abundance of a liberal diet, Meant for a bleffing, is (Jbus'd by Riot, ,' Th' abufed bleffing leaves the gift, nay, worfe, It is transformed, tmd turn'd into a curfe: ' Things that afford mofi: pleafurein the ufe, Are ever found moft harmful in th' abufe : Ufe them like Mafl:ers, and their tyrannous hand Subjells thee, like a flave, to their command : Ufe th<tm as fervams, and they will obey thee ; Tade heed, they"I either blefs thee, or betray the~. Could our fore-fathers but revive, and fee Their childrens feafts, as now adayes they be: Their fiudied dj!hes their refioring ftuf.fe, To make their wantonbodies fin enough; Their fiomach-whetting Sallats to invite Their wafiefui palate to an appetite; The!r thirfi-procuring dainties. to refine . . The1r wantcn tafles, and make them fl:rong for wm~ ; Their cofily viands, charg'd with rich perfume; Their Viper-wi'nes, to make old age prefum~ To feel new lufi, and youthful flames agin, And ferve another prentifbip to fin: Their time-betraying mufick ; their bafe noife {.· Of odious Fidlers; with their fmooth-fac'd boyef, Whofe to,ngues are perfelt, if they can proclaim The Qpinteifence of bafenefs,without fhame ; T r eir deep-mouth'd curfes, new-invented oaths, Thei_r ex~cra?Ie blafphemy, that loaths, A mmd to thmk on; their obfcenerwords, Their drunken quarrels, their nnfbe athed fwoi'ds.: 0 how they'd blefs the'mfelves, and blufh for fbame, In our behalfs, and hafl:e from whence they came, · To kifs their graves, that hid them from the crime~ , Qf thefe accurfed and prodigious times! . Great God ! 0, can thy patient eye behold . T4is h~ight offin~ and qn thy vengeance hold ? . V4 TH~