Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

; ' 298 The Hiflory ,of S AMPS 0 N. His lifeconfifis in mine, ifought amifs Befall my life, it may ehdanger his: Wagers muft .yield to life .; I hold.irbefi, Of neceffary evils tocho~fe the Ieafl : Why ddubt I then l V(hen reafon bids me do, I'le know the Riddle I) a~d betray it too. .·. · With that fhe quits her chamber with her cares, . And in her Clofe~ locks up all h~r fears: ' '· .. . And with·a fpeed untaitlted ~it~ delay, . She found that breafi, wherein her own heart Jay : Where, re1li~g for a while, at length did take A f3ir occafion to look up, and fpake : .. ' Life ofmy foul, and loves perpetu.al treafqre, 'Ifmy defire$ be fuiting to thy pleafure, . . · . 'My lips would,move a fu.it; my doubtful brefl: 'Would fain prefer an undentd requefi: . 'Speak th~n (my joy ·:) Let thy fair lip? ~xpound 'That dainty Riddle, whofe dark pleafure crown'd 'Our firft dayesfeafl:; Enlighten my dull b.r.ain, " · 'That ever fince hath mus'd, and mus'd in vain: ' Who, often fmiling on his lovely Bride, That longs to go away ref~lv'p, reply~d: . . ' 1oy ~fmy- ~eart, I<:~· not thy troub.·leq b~eft 'Take the de~yal,ofthy ~f!Iall requefi:, , ;·· . ' As a defeCt of loye ; excufe my tongue . " 'That muf1: not grant thy fuir, without a wrong ~To re fohition, daring not difcover - . 'The hidden myfl'ry, till the time be over; ~ Ceafe to importut?-e then, ·wha~ cannot be; 'My Parents know tt not, as well as thee : <'In ought but this, thy fuit fhall overcomeme ; '~xcufe me the!], and go not angry fromme~ : ! ' THE