3oo Tht Hijlory ofS A M P S 0 N. Which, ifit fail (it does but feldom f~iO The·n openforce and fury mufi prevail : .. When fi:rength ofwit, and fecret power of fraud · Grow dull, confiraint mutt conquer, and applaud 1 With ill-got vilt'ry; which at length obtain'd, Alas, how poor a trifle illlve we gaind; . · How are o~tr fouls difiemp'ered, to engrofs Such faG!ing pleafures! To o'rprize the drofs, And under rate the gold ! for painted joyes, " To fell the rru~, and heaven it. felffor toyes! , I_.ord, darifie mine eyes, .~hat I m~y kno~ Thmgs that are good, from what are good m fhow : Arid give me wifdom, that my·heart may l~.arn The difference of thy favours and difcern What's trudy good, from what is go.od in part; WithMartha's troqb,ve me Maries heart. }· --...:....,...o"' l .... 'FHE ARGUMENT. The Bride fhe hegJ, and begs in vain :. But li~ to aprevailing'wooer, $hefues, amlfues, anrf:[lf.es a~ain; .At /aft he read,_~ ~h;e Riq~le to her. ------~--------~--------~--~\ S·eEE. 1 2. .. . \1V . Hen the next morning had renew'd theday~ ·· And th'early twilight now had chac,d away The pride of night, and made her layafid~ lfer fpangied Robes, the difcontented ~J~e, . '( Whofe troubled thoughts wer~ ryred ~tth the mght,, And broken flnmbers long had w1fht for bght) With a deep figh her farrow didawake \ ~er .d~myfil!: ~ridegroom~ whQm fh.e th~~ befp;Jke. :. 0 . - • ~ SI,