~oz. rhe l-!ifl()Yy of S AMPS b N. No\v whe~ this day, had yeelded up his right ... To the fttcceedlng Emprefs of the night, Whofe foon-depofed regin did re-convay Her Crown and Scepter to the new-born day; The refilefa_Bride(fears ·cannot brook denial) Renews her fuit, .an~ at.temp.ts ~further tryal; Entreats, co.nj\:trd, fhe leav€s lWway untry'd i· · Shewill not; no, fhe muft not be deny'd : But he (the porral of whoi~marble heart Was Iockt and barr'd againft the powerful arf; Ofoft repeated tears) ftood deaf and dumb ; He ntufi;' PQt; rt>, he will not be o~rcome, . Poor Bride; .How i.f t.hy glory overcaft! How is the pl~afure of thy Nuptials paft Whenfcarce b~grm! Alas, howpoor a hre-ttt!J. <G OfJ.~y,. muftpuff thee.to ~ntimely death! . The.day's at band, whereon thou muft 'tlnt}e. . The Riddles tangled Snarle ~ or elfe -muft dye;, Now, when t~atday was come, ~herein the feaft . Was to expire ; the Bride ( whofe penfive breaft ~rew fad to deat:h ~) .di-dG>rtce more undertake Her t,o.O ~~fl}Iyed Eridegroom thus, and fpake : , 'Upop thefe knees, that;,profirare~n the floor~ ~Are lowly' bended, and ~all ne'r give o'~ , ~ To move tlw goo~nefs:t that fhall never nfe, 'Until my fult'find favo.uf ~11 thineeyes, ' ·~ 'tlpon thefe nakedknee$, I}it:rc·prefent ..' :My fad. r~q~t~ : 0 let jJly heart relent; .. . A Sutor fue~, tl}~t nevq-Ju:4 before; . . _ ~.. , ~ ~nd fhe beg~ I)OW; t}f~t neY:er wil.Jbeg mqre r ~ hafi thm.+·· ymy~d filenc~? 0 rel)lember, ho\V' . Thol\ ~r.t ing~gecl by a former ·Vow. . . . ~ Thy f1ear.r is mine ; rhe fecr~tsof thy hear~, '.Are min~; why an t~1ou ~aiijty1to im~art? . t Mine· I •. i . ,.