' I ~<;4 ifhe Hiflory of SAMPS D tJ: Bot mim tranfgrefl:; and by his woful fall; J.ofi: that fair Image, and that little All ~Vas left, was all corrupt ; his underfl:anding · Exchang'rl her objeft; Reafon left commanding ; His. memory was depraved, and his will '- Can find no other fubjeft now, but iJl : - It grew diftemper"d, left the righteous r~iri Ofbetter Reafon, and did entertain The rule of paffion, under whofe command It ftiffercth Shipwrack, upon every Sand : . Where it fhould march, ir: evermore fetires ; And what is moft forbid, it mofl: defires : Love makes it fee too much; and often, blind ; Vouht makes it light, and waver,like the wind : !fate makes it fierce; and ftudious ; Anger mad : Joy makes it carelefs ; Sorrowdull and fad : Hope makes it nimble, for a needlefs trial. 7 ear makes it too impatient of denial~ . Great :Lord ofhumane fouls ~ 0 thou that art rhe only true refiner of the heart ; Whofe hands created all things perfeB: good; ~har canfi: thou now expeft of tlefh and blood ~ flow are.our leprous fouls put out of fafhion ! . lloware our wills fubjefted to our paffion! How is thy glorious image foil'd, defac'd, · . . _ And fl:ain'd with fin! How are o~r -rhoughrs difpiac'd How wav'ring are our hopes, turn'd here and there With every blaft !how carnal is our fear! WMre·needs no fear, we ftart at every thade; 'l3ur tear not, where we ought to be afraid. Great God !·if thou wilt pl~afe but to refine Pur hearts, and re-confortn our wills to thine; · ,. Thou'It take a ple.tftire in us, and poor we Should find as infinite delight in thee; , Our doubts would ceafe, oor fears would all remove ·~ And all our paffions would turn joy, and love ; fili / . •,) ! I i - : ' r ' ~ l ' ~i :· >- :·· t I : ' ~I • .:r: ~ r t. ·