316 Tht Hiflory of S A M P~0 N. Continual flames, and as the motion ceaft, The thrifty blaze would then retire and refl In the clofe brand, untill a fecond firife Gave it new mo_tion, and.that motion, life : .,_ Soon as thefe coupled Meffengers recciv'd Their fiery Errand, though they were bereav'd Ofpower to make great haft, they make gootl fpeed Their thoughts were differing,though tl:teir rails agreed; T' one drags and draws to th, Eaft, the other Weft ; One fit they run, another while they refl: : , T' oneskulks~nd fnarls, th' other tugs and bales i Atlength both flee with fire-brands in tb~ir tails ; • And in the top <Jnd heigh~ ofall their fpeed~ _T' one fi:op5,bef0r~ the other be agreed, The other puis, and drags his fellow back, Whil'fi both their tailes were torttu'd on tke rack ; At laft both weary oftheir warm Emba{fage, _ . Their~eafe .tefcrid~ a ~airer paiiage; . An<}tlme ham.taught the1r wtfer thoughts to JOYn · M9're clofe, and travel in a firaighter liB~ : Into the open Champion th~y divide Their ft:ragling paces ( where the plough-mans pride ¥ound a fair o&jelt in his rip'ned Corn; ' Whereoffome part was reapt, fomeftood unfhorne) Somtimes the fiery t ravellers would feek Protection beneath a fwelling Reek ; ~ut foon that harbour grew too hot fqr ftay . Affording only light to run away ; Somtimes, the ft;tll ear,d fi:anding-wheat muft cover · And hide their ftames;and there the flame would hover About ~heir ears,and fend them eo-enquire /1. cooler place j but th~re the 11aming fire Wouldfcorch their hide~, apd f~ild them fing'd away ~ Thus doubtful where to go,' or where to{hy, - They range about ; flee forward; then retire ; Nowhere, now t~re, wh~ree'r t~ey coqte they fire. : ~ - - - . · · · Nothif':~