Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

-'rht Iliflory of SA MP S 0 N. Nothing was left, that was not loft and bur!l'd1 And now that fruitful land of Jewrie's turn'd . A heap of Afhes; that fair land,while ere Which fill'dall hearts with joy, and every ea.r With news ofplenty, andof blefl incrc=afe, J · (The joyfuliffue of a happie peace) See, f16w it lies in her own ruines, void Ofall her happinefs~ difguis'd, detl:roy.?d. With that the Philiftines, -whofe fad relief, And comforts deeply buried in their grief, Eegan t<? qqefiiori (they did all partake In th' irrecoverable lofs ') and fpake; 'What curfed brand ofheil ? what more than devil? 1 What envious mifcrearlt h~th done this evil I Whereto, ~one fadly fi:anding by, repli'd: 'It was thatc1,1rfed Sttmpfon (.whofe fair Eride 1 Was lately ravifht from his abfent breaft 'Byher falfc father) who before the feaft 'Ofnuptial was amonethexpir'd, and done, ·~ 'By fecond marriotge, own'danorher Son: 'For which this Sampfon, heav'd from off thehin&e 'Of his loft r~afon, fiudied this revenge, _ ' That Timnites falfhood wrought 'this defolatiQI; ·' S~tmp[on the AB:or .was, bur he th' occafion. With that they all confulted to proceed Inheight of juftice to revenge this deed : Sttmpf6n, whofe handwai the immediate caufe Of this foul att, is fironger than their Iawes ; · Him they refer to time, for his proud hand Maybring a fecond ruine to their Land: The curfedTimnite, he that did divide . The lawful Bridegroom from his lawful Bride, Andmov'd th(: patience of fo thong a foe, . To bringthefe evils, and work d:eir overthrow, To him they hafte.~and with refoiv'd defire Of blood, they burn his houfe~. andhin1wiih fire. 1 Mtait~.