Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

The Hiflory of sAMP §~N. Remove thineeye to the Pbilifiian fields, See ~hat in~reafetheir frui~fuJ har.yefi: y~elds ; . There"snothing there, but a'confufed heap ' bfruin~>lis Afhes : There's t?o corri to reap : .Behold die p6ifon of unpunifht.fin, For whid1 the very earth's ·accurft agin r , Famine muft att her part; her .griping hand, for one mans fin muft punifh all the Land; ·- . .Is vengeancenowappeas'd? Hath fin given o·r . . , To cry for plagues? Mufi vengeance yet have mor~? 0, now th' il!r.partiaU fw~ord mt1ft come,_ and _fpjl The blood of fuch as famine could not k1I : . )"he langtiage ofunpuni'(ht fin cries 16ud, .· ~· It roares fo:r ]ufiice,. an4 it D'l\lff have blood: · , - Famine mtift fQ)Iow, where the'fire begun;. . · The fw!Jrdtnuft end,·what both have left undone,.. . , Juft God! our fins.do dare thee to thy face; Our fcore is great, our Ephah .fils apace ; 'fhe leaden .cover threa~ens t;very minute, To clofe the Ephah and our 'fins within it. . Turn I?ack thine eye : Let not: thine eye behold: Such vlle p~lltt~ions, let thy vengeance hol.d : Look0n diy dymg Son, there fhalt thou fpre Anobjett thats more fitter for thine eye ; . His fufferings (Lord) are far above our fins. , 0~ Iook'thou there; ere Juftice~rm begins .' . T unfheath her fword : o, iet oBe precious drop fall fr~m that pierced fide, and that will fiop Theeares of vengeance, from that clamorous voice ~four loud fins, which make fo great a noife: · 0 fend that.drop, befo~~Revenge begins, . .. Aid that wdl cry far louder, than our fins. !'~ ,, .. ,. ' ' j