Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

'· 310 ·rhe Hiflory of S AMPS 0 N. THE ARGUMENT. He tna~s tt flaughter; aothrtmovt toEtans R.ocft, ff'here,.ro re-pay him 'I'h~ wrongs thttt he had done, tbej m~ve tht menofJudah to betra]'him•. , sea. t6. "'T"'Hus 'when th' accurs'dPhiliftians had appaid . I TqeTimnite.r fin, with ruine : and betraid 'rh' utljufl: Offenders to their fierce defire, Andburn'd their curfed family wi~h fire: . Sampfon, the greamefs ofwhofe debt deni'd .. So ffiort a payment : and whofe wrongs yet cri'd ' For further vengeance, to be further laid Upon the fin-conniving Nation, 'faid: · , ·Unjuft Phififi:ians, you that could behold 'So capital a crime, and yet with· hold ,. 'Thisw~ll deferved punifhment to ~ong: 'Which mage you partners in their fin,tny wrong·9 ' Had,ye at firfi:, when as the fault was young, ' Before that time had lent her clamatou$ tongue ' Sogreat a fi:rength to call for fo much blood ; ~ O, had your early Jufi:ice but thought go?~ 'To ftrike in time!.Nay; had you then dev1s d '.Someeafier punifhmeiit, it had fuffic'd; . 'But now it comes too1ate, the fin has cried, 'Till Heaven bath heard, and mercy is denied : ' Nay, had tlie fin but fpar'd to roar fo loud, 'A drop had ferv'li, \Vhe'n tiovv a tide of blood 'Will hardly fiop her mouth: . · . 'Had ye done this betimes! But no~, this hand , 'Mufl: plagueyour perfons, and affii<t your Land. Ha-ve ./ ,,