T!Je H,iftcry of s AMP s_,DN. !!ave ye beheld ayouth-infirutting Tutor, (Whofe wifdotn's feldom feen but in the future) When well-deferved punifhment fhaU call for the delinquent Boy; how firfi ofall, Jtepreaches fairly; then proceeds a~tlerer To the foul crime, whil'£1: the fufpicious hearer Trembles at every word, until at length, , His Iangua·ge being ceas'd,th' unwelcomefi:rengtb Of his rude arm, that often proves too raflf Strikes home, and fetches blood at every lafh: Even fo flout Sathpfoh, whofe more gentle tongue In ea fie terms doth firfi declare the wrong, Injrifl:ice did, then tells the evil e!feRs . ·. That inans connivence, and unjuft negled:s . Does often bring upon rh' affliRed Land: But, at the Iafi, upheaves his ruthlefs hand J He hews , he hacks, and fury being guide, His unrefifted power doth divide · From top to tpe·; his furious weapon cleft, Where-e'r it firuck: It flew, and never left . ! ' I Until his ftefh-deflroy ing artn, at length, ,. Could find no fubjea where t' employ his·firtngth; Here fiands a head- firong Steed, whbfe fainting guid~r Drops down ; another drags his ~ounded Rider: Now here, now there, his frantick atrn would thttncler~· And at one firbke cleaves mart and horfe in fdndc:r• · In whofe mixt Dlodd his hands would oft imbruc:,. And wherefoe'r they did but touch, they flew! Here's no employment for the Surgeons trade, All wounds were mortal that his weapon made1 There's none was left, but dying, or elfc dead, And only they that fcap'd his fury, fled; Th~ flaught~r ended , the proud ~Viftor paft · Through the affiitted Land,_ until at lafi, . ~-. He comes to Judah,where he pjtcht his Tent, At the Rock Et an; there fome titr.t he ftJ~1t ; ; y · ,, . H