The Hiflory o/ S AMPSON. 3i 3' t Expetls; and follows: Ne is cloyfi~edhere, 'Within your ~arrers: Let· your faiths a~pear_ 'Now in your loyal afiions, and convay 'The skulking Rebel to us, that we may · ' Revenge our blood, which he bath wafted thus> 'And do to hiin, as he hath d~ne to us. ·. Meditat. 16. I . Twas a rharpe revenge ; but was it jufi ? Shall tine man fuffer for another ?Muft . · The Childrens teeth be fet on edge, becaufe · Their Fathers ate theGrapes? Are heavens Laws · · So {hilt ?whofe lips did, witha ptomife, tell, - That no fuch La\¥ 1bould pafs In I(rael: Becaufe the injurious Timnites treacherous hand .. Commits the fault, muft Sampfon fcourge the Lapd t Sin is ·a furiom; plague, and it infetts The next inhabitant, ifhe neglects The means t' avoid it : 'Tis not becaufe he fins That thou art punifht : No, it then begins T' infett thy foul, when tho~a a fiander b Reprov'tl: it not : or when thy carelefs eye Slights it as nothing : If a fin ofmine Grieve nor thy wounded foul, it becomes thine. Think ye that God commits the Sword ofpower lnro the hands of Magifi:nites, to fcower And keep it bright l Or only to advance His yet unknown Authority? Perchance. · The glorious Hilt and Scabbard make a fhow To ferve his turn; have it ablade, or no, He neither knows, nor cares : Is tliis mad fit T' obtain fo great an honour, as to fit As Gods.Lievtenant, and to puni!h fin?- Rnow leaden'Magifirates, arid know agin, . Yz •• YoUr