Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

The lljlory of SA 111 P S 0 N. ; 2 ) so faid; the men ofJu !ab (whofe bafe fear Taught them to open an obedient ear To their revengful and uQjufi requef\: ) Accept the treacherous motion,and addreft Their flavifh thoughts to put in execution The fubjea of their (ervile refolution : With that, three .rhoufand of their a.blefi men Are Coon emplby'd; to the fierce: Lyons den They come, ( y~t daring not approach too ne~r) f\nd fend his lot,1der language to his ear ; , 1 ' Vi&orious Samp[on , whofe renownedfa~s ~Have made the world a l\_egifier of thy aB:s ; ~ G~e~t Army of~en, th~;fq~der of'"hofe power ~ G1ves thee the t1tle of a~lkmgTower, · 'Why haft thou thus betroiyd us to the hand 'Of the curs'd Philifiines! Thou know'fi our Land 'Does owe it felfto thee; there'~ none can claim '-So great an imerefi in our heart.s_._:, ihy name, 'Thy highly honour'd name for ever bears . ' A »'elcome Accent in our joyful ears ; 'But now the times are dangerous, and aBand 'Ofproud Phili ftians quarter in our Land, ' And for thy fake _the tyranny of their tongues . , Hath newly threatned to revenge their wrongs 'Upon our peaceful 1iv~~ : Their lips have vow'd 'And fworn to faive their injuries with blood; I ' 'Their jeaJ,)us fury honm.vs in our ears, .,. ;:~ . ' TheyI. plague our Land, as thou haft pl<t~e~ the1_rs : 'If .we q:fute to do their fierce command, . . 'And bring not Sompfon prifoner to t-heir hand_; ' AI;1s, ~hou know'fi ourrervile necks rnufi bow 'T9 ~heir imperious Yoke; Alas, our vow Y3 Of .... . • ·I