Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

1·he Hifhn ~f SA~,{PS0 N. 33l With that the Conquerour, thatnowhad fc:d And fur(ered his eye upon the dead , His band ·had flain, fat down ; and hal{ing flung His purple weapon~y, triumph'd and fi.nig: J S. Ampfon rejoice: Be fill'd with mirtk; let all ~Judea ~(now, r ~ ' ' And tell the Princes ofthe Earth bowflr~ng an arm hlfjt thou : How ~as thy dead enricht_ the Land, and pHrpled o'r theg11tfs, That hadft n!J weapqn in thy hand, htJt the Jaw-'bon~ ofan Afs! How d.oes thy flrel?gth, and high renown~ the glory (),f m~vfurpafs! ' Thine arm hathflruc~a thoufand down With the Jaw-bone of.an Afs: Let Sampfons glorioz:u nttmee11dure, till' time fhall renda One, Whofe greater glory fhall obfcure · the glorJ thou ~flft wonne. ' . .. '· ' j • J • His Song being ended, rifing from the place WhereQn he lay, he mrn'd his ruthlefs faee 1 Upon thofe heaps his direful hands had made, And op!ning of his tHirfiy lips, he faid: 'Great God of conquefi, thou, by-whofe command 'The heart received courage, and this hand ~Strength to revenge thy qt:tarre!s, and fulfill . · ' The fecret motion of thy facreci will; j; What fhall thy Champ.ion per'lh now with th1rf1:? ~Thou know'fl: I ha'~e done nothing, but what firft ~ Wa.r warrantedby ·thy command: 'Twa.r thou · ~That gave my fpirit boldnefs, and my brow 'A refolution; 'ti.r mine arm did do ~No more, than what thou didfi f:njoin me to: 'And