~ { 2 7.he 1/tflr,ry of S A MP S 0 N. 'And !hall r die forthirfi:? 0 thou that fav'd 'Me from the Lyons rage, that would have rav,~ 'Upon my life: by whom I have,fubdu'd · . ,. 'Thy curfed enemies, and have imbru"d 'Myheaven-commanded hands, in a fpring-tide ' ·Ofguilty blood! Lord, !hall I be deni'd .. 'A draught of cooling water to allay ' The tyranny ofmy thirfi ?I, that this day , 'Have Iabour'd in thy Vineyard; rooted out 'So many weeds, whofe Jofry crefis did fprout 'Above thy trodden Vines ; What, lliaiJ I die 'For want ofwater, thou the Fountain by$ ·· ' I know that thou wert her~, for had;fi thou no~ 'Suppli'd my armwith firength, r n~'r had gqc 'So firange a vilt'ry : Hath thy f~rvant take!! ~ Thy work in hand, apd is he not forfaken? . ' Hafl: thou not promis'd that my firengthned ha.nd . Shall fcourge tf1v Foe-men,and fecure thy Land 'From flavifh bondage J will that arm of thine 'Make me their flave, whom thou hafi promis'd mine? 'Bow down thy ear, and hear my needful cry; , · '0quench my tfuirfi, great God, or elf~ I die. With thanhe Jaw, wherewith his arn~ had 1'li<f; . So many fleeping in the dufi, obey"d . The voice ofGod, and cafi a tooth, from when~e A fudden fpripg ~ rofe, ~ht?fe ~onftuence Of chryfi:al waters; plenteoufly disburfi T eir preciotJs fireains, and fo all~y"d his rhirfi. · ' I • • i~feditat. I 8. TH~ Jaw- bon~ ofan Afs! how poor a thing God makes his pow'rful Inftr~l.!r.enr,. to bring Some hot:OLJf to hi$Name, and to advance f{ isgr~a~glory? Came this Bone by chance To